Creating an array of characters

2 views (last 30 days)
Corey Fugate
Corey Fugate on 24 Nov 2011
I have a lot of excel files that I need to process into one single file. The problem I am having is that I want to create an array of titles to put as headers over each set of data. I can read in the file names just fine. I'd like to have an array such as the following -
title 1 0 title 2 0 title 3 0...
The zeros are just there because I want one title for every set of two columns of xy data.

Answers (2)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 24 Nov 2011
You should use ActiveX for speed - it will be a lot faster than using xlsread a lot of times. Here's a little demo for you. I think it should be obvious and straightforward to see how to adapt the column headers to be what you need. ImageAnalyst
% Demo macro to write numerical arrays and cell arrays
% to two different worksheets in an Excel workbook file.
% Uses xlswrite1, available from the File Exchange
% By ImageAnalyst
function ExcelDemo
close all;
clear all;
fullFileName = GetXLFileName();
if isempty(fullFileName)
% User clicked Cancel.
Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
if ~exist(fullFileName, 'file')
message = sprintf('I am going to create Excel workbook:\n\n%s\n\nClick OK to continue.\nClick Exit to exit this function', fullFileName);
button = questdlg(message, 'Creating new workbook', 'OK', 'Exit', 'OK');
drawnow; % Refresh screen to get rid of dialog box remnants.
if strcmpi(button, 'Exit')
% Add a new workbook.
ExcelWorkbook = Excel.workbooks.Add;
% Save this workbook we just created.
% Open up the workbook named in the variable fullFileName.
% Create some sample data.
myData = magic(20);
myOtherData = rand(10);
% Then run the new xlswrite1 function as many times as needed or in a loop
% (for example xlswrite1(fullFileName, yourArrayName, XL_CellLocation).
xlswrite1(fullFileName, myData, 'mySheetName', 'B2');
ca = {'Column Header 1', 'Column Header 2'};
xlswrite1(fullFileName, ca, 'mySheetName', 'B1');
ca = {'Row Header 1'; 'Row Header 2'};
xlswrite1(fullFileName, ca, 'mySheetName', 'A2');
xlswrite1(fullFileName, myOtherData, 'myOtherSheetName', 'B2');
% Delete all empty sheets in the active workbook.
% Then run the following code to close the activex server:
clear Excel;
message = sprintf('Done!\nThis Excel workbook has been created:\n%s', fullFileName);
% End of main function: ExcelDemo.m -----------------------------
% Gets the name of the workbook from the user.
function fullExcelFileName = GetXLFileName()
fullExcelFileName = []; % Default.
% Ask user for a filename.
FilterSpec = {'*.xls', 'Excel workbooks (*.xls)'; '*.*', 'All Files (*.*)'};
DialogTitle = 'Save workbook file name';
% Get the default filename. Make sure it's in the folder where this m-file lives.
% (If they run this file but the cd is another folder then pwd will show that folder, not this one.
thisFile = mfilename('fullpath');
[thisFolder, baseFileName, ext] = fileparts(thisFile);
DefaultName = sprintf('%s/%s.xls', thisFolder, baseFileName);
[fileName, specifiedFolder] = uiputfile(FilterSpec, DialogTitle, DefaultName);
if fileName == 0
% User clicked Cancel.
% Parse what they actually specified.
[folder, baseFileName, ext] = fileparts(fileName);
% Create the full filename, making sure it has a xls filename.
fullExcelFileName = fullfile(specifiedFolder, [baseFileName '.xls']);
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% DeleteEmptyExcelSheets: deletes all empty sheets in the active workbook.
% This function looped through all sheets and deletes those sheets that are
% empty. Can be used to clean a newly created xls-file after all results
% have been saved in it.
function DeleteEmptyExcelSheets(excelObject)
% excelObject = actxserver('Excel.Application');
% excelWorkbook = excelObject.workbooks.Open(fileName);
worksheets = excelObject.sheets;
sheetIdx = 1;
sheetIdx2 = 1;
numSheets = worksheets.Count;
% Prevent beeps from sounding if we try to delete a non-empty worksheet.
excelObject.EnableSound = false;
% Loop over all sheets
while sheetIdx2 <= numSheets
% Saves the current number of sheets in the workbook
temp = worksheets.count;
% Check whether the current worksheet is the last one. As there always
% need to be at least one worksheet in an xls-file the last sheet must
% not be deleted.
if or(sheetIdx>1,numSheets-sheetIdx2>0)
% worksheets.Item(sheetIdx).UsedRange.Count is the number of used cells.
% This will be 1 for an empty sheet. It may also be one for certain other
% cases but in those cases, it will beep and not actually delete the sheet.
if worksheets.Item(sheetIdx).UsedRange.Count == 1
% Check whether the number of sheets has changed. If this is not the
% case the counter "sheetIdx" is increased by one.
if temp == worksheets.count;
sheetIdx = sheetIdx + 1;
sheetIdx2 = sheetIdx2 + 1; % prevent endless loop...
excelObject.EnableSound = true;
  1 Comment
Corey Fugate
Corey Fugate on 25 Nov 2011
Wow, this seems complicated. I started going through it line by line. Do I need a certain package to use ActiveX? I'm running MatLab on my mac OSX. When I just type the line, "Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');" I get the following error -
??? Undefined function or method 'actxserver' for input arguments of type 'char'.

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Corey Fugate
Corey Fugate on 25 Nov 2011
Yep, I appreciate the answer, but I can't use it because activeX is only available on Windows.

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