from "trionew " i derived this image "imshow(ui​nt8(blocks​n));".....​..........​..after this i have to derive back "trionew" from this image

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a=imread('baboon.jpg'); [r c p]=size(a); if p==3 a=rgb2gray(a); end % imshow(a); input=a; input=input; input=double(input); [row col] = size(input); len=row*col; block=0; Q1={}; Q2={}; z=1; k=16; mid=sqrt(k); blokval=k; bit=zeros(1,len); bitcount=1; for x=1:mid:row for y=1:mid:col count=0; t=0; s=0; a = input(x:x+(mid-1),y:y+(mid-1)); %grouping of pixels in 4*4 or 8*8 matrix takes place block=block+1; m=mean(mean(a)); m=round(m); %formation of bit plane for i=1:mid for j=1:mid if a(i,j)>=m bit(1,bitcount)=1; bitcount=bitcount+1; count=count+1; p=a(i,j); s=s+p; else bit(1,bitcount)=0; bitcount=bitcount+1; c=a(i,j); t=t+c; end end end %lower mean q1=floor(inv((k-count)) *t); Q1{z}=q1; %higher mean q2=floor(inv((count))*s); Q2{z}=q2; z=z+1; clear a; end end lev=size(Q2); levv=lev(2) * (k+2); tt=1; zz=1; ww=1; %trio formation trio=zeros(1,levv); while(zz<=lev(2)) trio(1,tt)=Q1{zz}; tt=tt+1; trio(1,tt)=Q2{zz}; tt=tt+1; for kk=1:k trio(1,tt)=bit(1,ww); tt=tt+1; ww=ww+1; end zz=zz+1; end bitcount=bitcount-1; save bit bit; save bitcount bitcount; save Q1 Q1; save Q2 Q2; save row row; save count count; save col col; save block; save trio trio; warndlg('Encoding completed');
bit1=reshape(bit,[row,col]); N=sqrt(block); load trio; trionew=trio; Input=bit1; original=Input; target=Input; [filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.txt', 'Pick secret message'); fid = fopen(filename); F = fread(fid); s = char(F'); fclose(fid); len=length(F); handles.lend=len; sz1=size(Input); segblock=sz1(1)/N; size1=sz1(1)*sz1(2); sz2=size(F); size2=sz2(1); if (len*8)<=(N*N) val=(N*N)-(len*8); j=1; for i=1:len k=8 ; while(k>=1) x(1,j)=bitget(F(i),k); k=k-1; j=j+1; end end for v=(len*8)+1:N*N x(1,v)=0; end Mc=size(sz1,1); Nc=size(sz1,2); Mm=size(sz2,1); Nm=size(sz2,2); message_vector=round(F./256); rand('state',34); for (kk=1:100) pn_sequence_h=round(rand(sz1/segblock,sz1/segblock)); end size1=N*N; sequence=reshape(abs(pn_sequence_h),[1,size1]); for z=1:size1 xored(1,z)=xor(x(z),sequence(z)); end mm=1; gg=1; segblock1=segblock^2; for z=1:size1 if xored(1,z)==1 a = not(bit(gg:gg+(segblock1-1))); trionew(mm:mm+(segblock1+1))=[Q2{z} Q1{z} a]; end mm=mm+(segblock1+2); gg = gg +segblock1; end %from this trionew i have derived final image"imshow(uint8(blocksn));" embedtrio=trionew; kn=segblock1; k1n=sqrt(kn); blocksn=[]; [r c]=size(embedtrio); len=r*c; pp=1; saf=1; sa=k1n; sbf=1; sb=k1n; while(pp<=len) a=embedtrio(pp); pp=pp+1; b=embedtrio(pp); pp=pp+1; mn=1; kj=1; for jj=1:kn if kj>k1n mn=mn+1; kj=1; end if embedtrio(pp)==0 output1(mn,kj)=a; pp=pp+1; kj=kj+1; else output1(mn,kj)=b; pp=pp+1; kj=kj+1; end end blocksn(saf:sa,sbf:sb)=output1; sbf=sb+1; sb=sbf+(k1n-1); if sb>row saf=sa+1; sa=saf+(k1n-1); sbf=1; sb=k1n; end end imshow(uint8(blocksn)); * %and from this image i want to extract "trionew" which i had above *
  1 Comment
Mohd Huzaifa
Mohd Huzaifa on 22 Jul 2014
Actually "trionew" is a matrix of 1*73728......and i have converted this matrix into 256*256 image...." imshow(uint8(blocksn))" and now i have to perform reverse operation.......means from this image i have to extract "trionew"

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Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 22 Jul 2014

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