How can I avoid an "internal exception" xlswrite error?

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I am currently attempting to write data from a loop into an excel file that already contains data. However, I receive an internal exception error when I attempt to do this (even if I just use a different sheet). When I try to write the data into an empty excel file, I don't have this issue. Any idea how to avoid this error?
%Data Input
filename = 'RocketData.xlsx';
num = xlsread(filename);
%Data Definitions
deltat = num(1,1);
printing = num(2,1);
Vbottle = .002;
f = num(4,1);
Dn = num(5,1)*.0254;
Anozzle = num(6,1)*.00064516;
Aprojected = num(7,1)*.00064516;
mpayload = num(8,1)*.001;
mrocket = num(9,1)*.001;
Pairini = num(10,1)*6894.752728;
Cd = num(11,1);
C = num(12,1);
Li = num(13,1)*.0254;
g = 9.81;
c = 343;
Mair = .029;
gamma = num(17,1);
Patm = num(18,1)*101.325;
rhowater = 1000;
Tamb = num(20,1) + 273.15;
R = 8.314;
%Phase 1 Initial Calculated Values
T = Tamb;
rhoatm = (Mair*Pairini)/(R*T);
rhoair = (Mair*Pairini)/(R*T);
Vairini = (1-f)*Vbottle;
mairini = Pairini*Vairini;
mwaterini = f*Vbottle*rhowater;
mtotal = mrocket + mpayload + mwaterini + Mair;
t = 0;
x = 0;
vrocket = 0;
Vini = (1-f)*Vbottle;
Tini = Tamb;
%Phase 1 Data Initial Calculations
mwater = mwaterini;
counter = 25;
kk = 0;
while mwater > 0
kk = kk + 1
Vair = Vbottle - (mwater/rhowater);
Pair = (mairini * R * T)/(Mair * Vair);
mdotwater = .01;
mwater = mwater - (mdotwater * deltat);
mtotal = mrocket + mwater + mairini;
vwater = C*(2*(Pair-Patm)/(rhowater))^(.5);
Fthrust = mdotwater * vwater;
Fgravity = (mtotal * 9.81);
Fdrag = .01
Fnet = Fthrust - Fgravity - Fdrag;
arocket = (Fnet)/(mtotal);
deltat = 1e-4*kk
if (mod(deltat,.01)==0)
counter = counter + 1;
Here is the code I used. Make sure you also use the excel file that is attached (the program reads the data from the excel file).
Matthew on 20 Apr 2014
I recreated the excel file I was using as a .xls files and the program worked beautifully on two consecutive occasions. When I changed the file to a .xlsx file again, "Error: The server threw an exception."
#$#% you too Matlab.
Thanks for the help!
dpb on 20 Apr 2014
Well, as suggested, submit a bug report to TMW

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Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 20 Apr 2014
You certainly certainly don't want to call xlswrite() that many times! Do you know it has to launch Excel, write out that one number, and shutdown Excel each time. It will take forever. You'd be better off using ActiveX to do it. Just open once using ActiveX, toss all your data in (virtually instantly), then close it once. It will be much, much, MUCH faster. I'm talking seconds instead of minutes or hours. See attached demo.
Or even better, try creating a table and use writetable() to write out your xlsx file. See table in the help (requires R2013b or later).


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